Sept 25th

Post date: Oct 03, 2011 1:20:31 PM


We handed out a folder with the Bhajans/shlokas we will be covering this year. Hope this helps you with reviewing it at home. Since our little ones are beginning to read, I dont ask the kids to open the folder in the classroom. We rely on our listening skills and repititons to help with the memorising. Do encourage them to recite the shlokasand bhajans when they do the prayers.

During the class, we put a tune to "VakraThunda Mahakaaya" shloka. We also reviewed the "Guari Nandana Gajanana "Bhajan. We were also introduced to a shlok on "Saraswathi: - Saraswathi Namasthubyam". The kids will be singing these three shlokas/bhajans during the Diwali celebrations in the Hindu temple..I will be seeking volunteers to lead the kids..Hint hint for the kids if they want to be in front of the mike :)